• Hola gente, les escribo para comentarles que adquirí gracias a mi primo una AMIGA500, ya que la tenía ahí tirada y por asuntos de laburo, etc, ya no le interesaba...

    Ahora, el problema es que al bootear la AMIGA, o bien al encenderla, en vez de mostrar la pantalla de Kickstart 1.3,  muestra una pantalla verde fluorescente, además que la luz del power se queda titilando contínuamente (de la misma manera en que lo hace antes de tirar un Guru Meditation)

    Leí por la web que esto es un problema de algo llamado AGNUS, por lo que creo que está relacionado con algun problema en la memoria RAM de la AMIGA.

    Bueno, si alguien puede informarme más sobre el tema estaría súmamente agradecido, ya que tengo una AMIGA sin funcionar.

    Muchísimas gracias nuévamente, y saludos!


  • Como primer laburo ( y casi seguro que es éso) tiene mal las memorias 44256:


    Son los primeros cuatro chips que ves al frente, si tiene 4, tiene 512k, si tiene 8, el doble. Montá las memorias en zócalo, salen $0,25 c/u.
    Las memorias las sacás de una placa VGA local bus de las viejas.

  • H

    Leí por la web que esto es un problema de algo llamado AGNUS, por lo que creo que está relacionado con algun problema en la memoria RAM de la AMIGA.

    AGNUS es el chip de video de la Amiga 500, asi como Paula es el del sonido. Y lo mas loco es que los que armaron la amiga (diseño de placas supongo) eran fanaticos de The B-52's (una banda de musica) y ciertas partes de las placas tienen nombre de los temas (Rock Lobster y Lorraine, por Quiche Lorraine, sino me equivoco).

  • Totalmente cierto lo que decís con lo de B52, pero me parece que AGNUS maneja el clock y la memoria y algunas cosas más de ésas raras que hace la A500 para póder divertirnos con ella.
    De todos modos lo importante es que probablemente no sea el AGNUS (que es inconseguible). Me tocó hacer andar varias A500 con pantalla verde que tenían 44C256 marca Siemens, y esl problema era ése. Por mi trabajo, tengo a todo lo que sea Siemens en un alto concepto (además soy medio nazi), seguramente fue una mala partida de memorias. Lo importante es que vuelva a andar. wink

  • Totalmente cierto lo que decís con lo de B52, pero me parece que AGNUS maneja el clock y la memoria y algunas cosas más de ésas raras que hace la A500 para póder divertirnos con ella.
    De todos modos lo importante es que probablemente no sea el AGNUS (que es inconseguible). Me tocó hacer andar varias A500 con pantalla verde que tenían 44C256 marca Siemens, y esl problema era ése. Por mi trabajo, tengo a todo lo que sea Siemens en un alto concepto (además soy medio nazi), seguramente fue una mala partida de memorias. Lo importante es que vuelva a andar. wink

    Supongo que lo de medio nazi sera por que crees en la calidad de los productos germanos solamente...espero.

  • No, no solamente por eso. Pero iniciar un topic como éste en un foro público podría sonar desagradable a otras personas. Algunas cosas que pasaron las considero aberrantes, pero los que vinieron después...

    El Adolph era un nene de pecho comparado con ellos...

  • Esto encontre en internet que te puede ser de ayuda tambien para tener como referencia

    Saludos wink wink

    Problem: Amiga system will not boot. Screen flashes colors or keyboard lights flash.

    You may notice that when you turn on or reset your Amiga a few different colors flash by. These actually mean something. Here you go:

    Red Bad ROM
    Yellow CPU Exception Before Bootstrap Code is Loaded
    Green Bad Chip RAM or Agnus (check seating of Agnus)
    Black No CPU
    White Expansion passed
    Grey CPU Passed

    Constant white is failure of CPU.

    Or as taken from the Amiga 4000 Service Manual:

    Passed Test

    Light Gray Initial hardware configuration tests passed.
     Initial system software tests passed.
     Final initialization test passed.

    Failed Test

    Red ROM Error - Reseat or replace
    Green CHIP RAM error (reset AGNUS and re-test)
    Blue Custom Chip(s) Error
    Yellow 68000 detected error before software trapped it (GURU)

    The system performs the following test sequence:

    1. Delays beginning the tests a fraction of a second to allow the hardware to stabilize.

    Jumps to ROM code in diagnostic card (if found)

    Disables and clears all DMA and interrupts.

    Turns on the screen.

    Checks the general hardware configuration.

    If the screen remains a light gray colors and the tests continue, the hardware is OK.

    If an error occurs, the system halts.

    Performs checksum test on ROMs.

    If the system fails the ROM test, the screen display turns red and the system halts.


    One Blink ROM Checksum failure
    Two Blinks RAM test failed
    Three Blinks Watchdog timer failed
    Four Blinks A short exists between two row lines or one of the seven special keys (not implemented)

  • Amiga Custom Chipset
    The power behind the Amigas technology lies in its interdependency of hardware- different functions are controlled by different chips, allowing the processor to perform other tasks.
    The Copper
    The Copper is a co-processor integrated into Agnus. It uses Chip RAM to control the graphic system, considerably easing the strain on the 68k processor. The co-processor can also intervene directly on controls of the other components. It is responsible for the management of the Blitter. One of the Amigas limitations is the Copper's use of just Chip RAM, restricting the display to just 2Mb. However, for its limitations it has contributed to creating part of the Amiga 'look and feel' providing the capability to drag a screen and show several screens at once.

    The Blitter
    Like the Copper the Blitter is a co-processor integrated into Agnus. Its function is to display memory zones as efficiently as possible- the Blitter performs this function twice as fast as the 68000. With the Blitter you can copy rectangular image parts extremely fast to other areas. During this, you can take up to three source data areas and perform operations on them. Like the Copper, the Blitter is restricted to Chip RAM access limiting its use. Operations undertaken by the Blitter are called Blits. The Blitter works in an asynchrone manner, allowing the 68k to continue to function normally during blits.On higher specification Amigas the Blitter has been superceded by software C2P (Chunky to Planar) functions or retargetable graphics. A good comparison of Blitter vs. Fast RAM implementation can be seen in Xtreme Racing.

    Agnus (Address GeNerator Unites) is probably the most known of the Amiga custom chips. It exists in different forms, ranging from the original found in the A1000 to the "Super" found in the A3000. Apart from minor changes the main difference between these versions is the amount of memory to which they have access. Agnus is responsible for DMA access, clock frequency generation in the A500 and A2000, and allows access to Chip RAM by the custom chips. This has ranged from 512k to 2Mb, that have upgraded from Agnus to Super Fat Agnus. The A500 and A2000 can increase the amount of Chip RAM available through the addition of a third party 2Mb upgrade.

    Short for Display Encoder, Denise is responsible for the generation of colours and display different resolutions. It controls hardware sprites used by the system. The Super version of  the Denise present in the ECS chipset and called Fat Denise in the A3000. The upgrade added a number of new modes to the Amiga display, allowing the use of standardised resolutions, ranging from 640x480 in 2 bitplanes (Productivity mode) to 1280x515 in 2 bitplanes (called SuperHires). It was called Daphne in the A1000 and in early advertisements of the A500.

    Paula (Port Audio Uart and Logic) controls generation of the 8-bit audio and contains control circuits for floppy access, mouse, keyboard, and some external ports. It was called Portia in the A1000.

    Alice was the successor to the Agnus in the AGA upgrade. It includes the same 16-bit data bus interface, Alice is nevertheless capable of 23-bit access.

    Lisa is a member of the AGA chipset, replacing the ECS Denise.

    Gary controls access to the bus, as well as the diskette reader. The Gary custom chip has been upgraded over time- the A3000 implemented Fat Gary and, among others functions the A4000 implementation manages the IDE port.

    Found on the A600 and A1200, Gayle replaces Gary adding supplementary functions to the outdated chip. It manages Chip RAM, 8520, IDE bus and the connection of memory card.

    Found in the A3000 and A4000, Ramsey manages Fast RAM and generates addresses during DMA transfer.

    The CIA's (Complex Interface Adaptor) manage parallel and serial port I/O, clock, joystock, etc, as well as some system interrupts.

    Found on the A3000, Amber manages the deinterlacer by synchronizing and controlling the necessary signals for video memory to the display. It is also found on the Commodore A2320 flicker fixer card. Amber is named after the designer's daughter.

    Solely present in the CD32, this chip upgrades the Amiga custom chipset to use Chunky pixels through a Chunky 2 Planar conversion process, used for 3D games such as Doom. It also manages CD-ROM data and replaces some of the functions of Gary and Gayle.


  • No, no solamente por eso. Pero iniciar un topic como éste en un foro público podría sonar desagradable a otras personas. Algunas cosas que pasaron las considero aberrantes, pero los que vinieron después...

    El Adolph era un nene de pecho comparado con ellos...

    Eso no hace que tengas que ser nazi che. La verdad que alguien que esta de acuerdo con cargarse a una millonada de personas no me cae en gracia, y que conste que el comentario lo hiciste vos, no yo.

  • Acertaste, me jode lo del genocidio, 6 millones de judíos, 4 millones de gitanos, 20 millones de rusos, una cagada.

    Un abrazo !!!

Moderador (s): homecomputer, Selandari, ArielP, pastbytes, Durandal